I've been talking about starting a blog for awhile now; not that i expect to have anybody reading it, but for my own benefit. so, with mckenzie's help with the technology for the layout of the blog, on this first day of 2012, i begin my humble attempt at recording what i find to be "life's simple pleasures"... i may or may not be consistent in posting. i guess time will tell if i will enjoy blogging or if i will decide that it isn't all it's cracked up to be.
i chose this picture for my first post, as the Christmas season comes to an end. tomorrow we will take down our tree, and with it, will put away the rest of the Christmas decorations placed throughout the house. this nativity set is precious to me because it was a gift to me from my mom in the early years of my married life. she made it in a ceramics class that she took one year (possibly through the relief society?) each year as i take it out again, i think about her lovingly working on this project as a gift for me, and i cherish it just a little more. it has been 6 years since my mom's last Christmas with us before she died. i miss her dearly, but more than ever when Christmas time rolls around. she was so much a part of all of our traditions of Christmas.
it was my mom and dad who gave me a firm foundation to build on, of knowing and understanding what really matters most in life. and it just so happens that those are "the small and simple things" (see quote at the top of this blog.) it is my goal to celebrate and look for these simple pleasures as i go through each day in the new year ahead.
p.s. another thing to note in the picture is the tree full of angels behind the nativity. since i have a december birthday, i have received these sweet angel ornaments as a birthday gift from a dear childhood friend, for over 20 years now. it is a reminder to me of the blessing of friends and how they help to brighten our days and lighten our loads, year after year.